
Refund Procedure
If you are dissatisfied with any of the items in your order or with any aspect of Tagine Express’s delivery service, please contact us by emailing us through the website’s Contact Us page.
Because we sell perishable foods, we ask that you, the client, inspect the food once it has been opened. If you are dissatisfied with the goods, please call us right away at 00447732385502. We will gladly swap or refund any item that does not meet our quality standards or has been damaged in transit. Please tell us as soon as possible if you received an incorrect item.
If you would want us to replace the erroneous item with the item you ordered, we will do so as quickly as feasible. We will not, of course, charge you for incorrect items. Tagine Express has an open and honest policy and will do all possible to accommodate and act on any complaints or suggestions.